{% block meta %} {% include "@SuluWebsite/Extension/seo.html.twig" with { "seo": extension.seo|default([]), "content": content|default([]), "urls": urls|default([]), "shadowBaseLocale": shadowBaseLocale|default(), "defaultLocale": app.request.locale } %} {% endblock %} {% block htmlTitle %}{% endblock %} {% set rootPath = sulu_content_root_path() %} {% set rootPath = rootPath|slice(0, rootPath|length - 1) %} {% if extension.seo.canonicalUrl is not empty %} {% endif %} {% if extension.excerpt.title is not empty %} {% endif %} {% if extension.excerpt.description is not empty %} {% endif %} {% for img in extension.excerpt.images %} {% endfor %} {# {% if chcookieconsent_isCategoryAllowedByUser('analytics') == true %} #} {# {% endif %} #} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('lazysizes') }} {% block style %} {# #} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }} {% if is_tablet_view() or is_full_view() or is_not_mobile_view() %} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app-tablette') }} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app-desktop') }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block startbody %} {% endblock %} {% set menu = sulu_navigation_root_tree('main', 2) %} {% set sousMenu = sulu_snippet_load('f442aa51-8655-49c0-8fbd-3002630d5345') %} {% set newslettersnip = sulu_snippet_load('d020824b-5256-4416-9cd3-529352d7becb') %} {% set mainAccount = sulu_resolve_account(1) %}
{% block top %}
{{ mainAccount.mainPhone }}
{% set currentDate = "now"|date("d/m/Y") %} {% set opening = sulu_resolve_opening() %} {% if opening is not null and opening is not empty %}
{{ 'message.ouvert-aujourdhui'|trans }} {{ 'message.de'|trans }} {{ opening.heure }} {{ 'message.a'|trans }} {{ opening.heureEnd }}
{% else %}
{{ 'message.ferme-aujourdhui'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% include '_menu_langue.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}

Pied de page

{% block prefooter %}{% endblock %}
{% include '_footer.html.twig' %} {# {{ render_esi(path('ch_cookie_consent.show_if_cookie_consent_not_set', { 'locale' : app.request.locale })) }} #} {% block javascripts %} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }} {% endblock %}